Wednesday, May 20, 2020

Space or Mental Health

Mental Health, Wellness, Psychology, Mind

I feel like it is more important to spend more on mental health, especially at this time. We can spend the money on space later in life. Right now people are going crazy. I know I am. I hate being couped up in the house all day. I am sure many other people are too. It is so exhausting just trying to find something to do. The money needs to be spent on mental health. I am almost sure that people will need help after this quarantine. It is hard to not have a mental break down. It seems like a way better reason to spend money on people more than science.

Wednesday, April 29, 2020

What I Will Do When Quarantine Ends

The first thing that I will do when my state reopens is get a pool. We are in the process of buying the house we are living in. We have lived in this house for almost six years. Usually we buy a one-hundred dollar pool every year, but it usually doesn't last. It is fun but I cant really swim in it. When my family decided to buy my house, my father promised us a in ground pool. I am so excited. Especially since we wont be able to go to any public pools.

Thursday, April 2, 2020


I like the quarantine, but I do miss school. I didn't ever think that I would ever say that. I have been having a lot of fun though. My siblings have been really annoying. I can deal with it though. I have been going fishing riding my four- wheeler. I really do miss my friends.

Monday, January 6, 2020

A New Year

Last year was the year of making new friends.

My favorite part of last year was meeting new people from different schools. I made more friends and had more people to talk too. 

My most successful story last year was that I finally went to my first Chicago Bears football game. I had been dreaming of going since I could remember. The Bears have been my favorite team all my life.

Describing last year in five words, The most coolest year ever.

This year will be the year of having fun.

I could improve my life in the new year by trying harder in school and training harder for football. I also want to lose weight.

If I could celebrate the new year anywhere it would be in Florida. It would be cool. I could watch the fireworks there.

My goals this year will be:
 -lose weight- work out more and eat better
-do better in football- run and lift
-get better grades- work harder