Wednesday, November 20, 2019


My favorite part about the holidays is the amazing food that my mom makes. All of the family comes over and hangs out, and we have so much fun. I watch a lot of football, and am super thrilled when the Chicago Bears play. I also play Madden with my super cool uncle. It is super fun, even though he is amazing at Madden and usually beats me. My favorite Thanksgiving food is the mouthwatering cornbread that my mom makes homemade.


  1. Hi Bruce, I really like what you did for your holiday post. The words you used are fun, and tell me what you do for the holidays.I also like the word art picture you used it goes really good with your words. Food is my favorite part about the holidays too.-Araya

  2. Bruce,
    I really think that you can write in a more sophisticated way. Every sentence is the same structure - subject/verb. Revise please.
