Monday, December 9, 2019


Hunting is one of the best things in the world to know how to do. It teaches you many things. I love to do it and here is why.
Stag, Nature, Male, Animal, Deer                For those of you that have never hunted it is an experience of a lifetime. The crunch of the snow and sticks under your feet. The cold wind blowing in your face. It is one of the best experiences of the world. But nothing is like the thrill of getting your first kill. You always doubt that you hit the first shot you take, just like I did. Then the suspense of trying to find it. Trying to find the blood trail of the animal that you don’t think you hit. It is such a great experience.
                Not all hunting is about tracking. You could hunt small game like rabbits and squirrels. You could shoot birds out of the sky like ducks, geese, or dove. These animals usually die on the shot. In my opinion, the best part about hunting is not the hunting but what it teaches you. Hunting teaches you a lot of patience. I also hunt with my dad, so it is really good time to talk, and bond with someone. I also like the part that when the day is done, you cook your game. It is fun to help my mom cook, my favorite, the deer. Whether it’s making jerky, or cooking the sausage for breakfast, it’s always a relief to know that your hard work paid off.
                As you can see hunting is a very passionate thing, that I think everyone should experience.

Wednesday, November 20, 2019


My favorite part about the holidays is the amazing food that my mom makes. All of the family comes over and hangs out, and we have so much fun. I watch a lot of football, and am super thrilled when the Chicago Bears play. I also play Madden with my super cool uncle. It is super fun, even though he is amazing at Madden and usually beats me. My favorite Thanksgiving food is the mouthwatering cornbread that my mom makes homemade.

Thursday, November 14, 2019

Emoji Guessing

Guess the phrase and comment what you think it is. I will tell you if it is correct.
😀 😍 to 🍽 🌮
⚽ is my 🔖 👟
The 🦇 Side
Chicago 🐻
🐼 👉 😎
🐼 👉 😎

Wednesday, November 13, 2019

Veterans are the bravest people in the world, and they are the only reason we are here today. They are the heroes that fought and still fight so that we could talk, see, and do whatever they want.
Without veterans, we wouldn’t be free. We wouldn’t be in this room right now, speaking with one and other. There wouldn’t be a U.S. without the colonists that lost their lives, so we were free. The people in Europe wouldn’t be free if it wasn’t for veterans.

American Flag, Red White And Blue, Flag
            Veterans keep a country strong. They make sure people can sleep at night without worrying. The people we have lost that are on the walls are what keep the country together. I hate seeing the men and women that have fought for us on the side of the road. I hate that they must beg for scraps just so that they can eat.  There is a quote said by Gregg Blackburn, who is a veteran himself. When he was asked if he was a hero, he stated, “Heck no!”. “The people on those walls are the heroes.” He said. Gregg Blackburn was a veteran that served in the Vietnam war. He went into the service for an adventure.
            From many people, I have heard that it wasn’t like what they expected going to war. The training is hard. When you’ re there, it is hard to tell who is your friend, and who is your enemy. Veterans are the people strong enough to go through the tough training and enter back into civilian life. They are also the people that are smart enough to tell who their friends and enemies are.
            Veterans are the strongest people I know, and they are very brave. They are the people that keep countries strong, safe, and hold them together. Thank you to all the men and women that have fought for our country.

Tuesday, October 29, 2019


I chose this picture because it represents my home town. I will become a Missile next year. I wanted to chose this picture because it was one of the better ones that I took.

I think this picture is my best one. It represents my country, and what I believe in. This photo is great, and it is beautiful

I chose this picture because it is the middle of fall. Fall is my favorite month. I get to hunt and it starts to get cooler.

Monday, October 28, 2019


I was surprised about how many laws there are about copyright. I learned that it is not okay to use images as freely as I used too. I won't use images so freely now because I don't want to get into trouble.

Tuesday, October 22, 2019


We have been working with run-on sentences, and different ways to avoid writing them. Our teacher asked us to create three different memes; each containing a sentence that shows a different way to avoid run-ons. Each meme's sentence must connect to the meme.

The memes below were created by

Monday, October 14, 2019


My name is Bruce. I am kind of a sports fanatic. They are my favorite thing to do. Even in my free time, I like to play video games but guess what, they are about sports too. I like to play the sports too. I’m not the best at basketball, but I think I am good at football.
 I have a bunch of nicknames that the team has given me. One of my coaches calls me “Brucie the bull”, and my other coach calls me Brusky. Most of the team calls me Bruiser though. My position is Offensive and Defensive line. I am the biggest fan you will ever meet of the Chicago Bears. The person that I want to meet is on a Superbowl team. His name is William Perry, and the reason that I want to meet him is because he is a fellow lineman. Even my favorite hobby is collecting sports cards. I have binders full of them.
            Even though my favorite thing to do is to watch my Bears win every Sunday, I also like to play with my dog. My first dog I ever had was a black lab/ Pitbull. His name was Marshall. He died when he was hit by pickup truck. It was the worst thing ever because he was hit two days before Christmas. It was the worst present ever. Then a month later my dads friend’s sister’s dog had puppies. In the middle of the night my dad brought one home. So, the next morning I woke up to a dog licking my face. He was so cute. We named him Gunner. He is a White Lab, Pitbull, German Shepard mix. To this day, he is still hyper and cute.
            As you can see, I am a very busy young man.

Tuesday, October 8, 2019

My name is Bruce, and I am excited for the Student Blogging Challenge.